Become Irreplaceable.

We cultivate technologists at the intersection of society and tech and empower them to meet this moment and thrive in an ever-changing world.
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Where Codesmith Graduates Get Hired in 2024

Awarded Best Coding Bootcamp

Codesmith is honored to be ranked as a top coding bootcamp!
Hear from our grads in their own words on Course Report and SwitchUp.

Graduate Outcomes (2022-23)

Codesmith alums thrive with newfound autonomy, leading in tech and mirroring society as a whole with their diversity of lived experience. They solve real-world problems, benefiting both their careers and the wider community.

Median Salary & Employment Rate

Within 360 days after graduation

$120,000 | 80%

$124,800 | 70% within 180 days after graduation


Graduation Rate

Students who graduated on-time


Percentage of students who graduated out of all students who enrolled

Apply in 4 Steps

  • 1 C 1

    Submit Application

    The application includes essay questions as well as an optional coding challenge - the essay questions allow you a space to discuss your goals for the program and demonstrate your aspiration for acceptance to Codesmith.
  • 2 C 1

    Initial Interview

    The initial, non-technical, interview assesses your commitment to Codesmith values - as well as your overall readiness and fit for the fast-paced, intense nature of the program.
  • 3 C 1

    Technical Interview

    The technical interview evaluates your JavaScript and general programming knowledge, problem-solving skills, and both technical and non-technical communication to determine your ability to be successful with all aspects of the immersive curriculum.
  • 4 C 1


    A Codesmith team member will call you to deliver your interview results, personalized feedback, and next steps.

What our grads say

Start your
Coding Journey

JavaScript for Beginners

This prep program gives you a foundation in software engineering and is a great first step for true beginners. It is designed for those new to coding or who have minimal experience.

CS Prep

This prep program aims to build your core JavaScript knowledge, improve your technical communication, and develop your engineering toolkit.

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Get the program syllabus and free JavaScript resources
Have questions?
Chat with a grad
Grow your skills and community with Codesmith

Latest Insights
from our Community

Upcoming Workshops

Join our community and attend our free online workshops for all levels.

  • JavaScript the Hard Parts series
  • Intro to Coding series 
  • Beginner study group

AI & ML Technical Leadership

This new program has been designed to level-up your career with the AI & ML technical skills, leadership and portfolio needed to land top jobs at leading companies.

Landing a role at TikTok

Victor Luo shared his experience in the AI/ML tech market. Victor's story is a rough, hard and challenging one. Faced with a series of major setbacks, Victor used these challenging moments while job hunting as a golden opportunity for growth, landing a role in TikTok's Elite AI/ML Engineering Team. 

This Week's
Coding Workshops & Events

Asked Questions

Why does the Software Engineering Immersive focus on JavaScript?
What's the difference between each of the programs?
How can I learn if Codesmith is right for me before I apply?
What makes Codesmith graduates stand out from other bootcamp graduates?

Ready to become a modern software engineer?

Got a question? Chat with one of our grads