Start Learning Now With Codesmith’s Online Resources

Codesmith is committed to providing accessible learning opportunities to our community! Whether you have no prior coding experience or are a lead engineer in a top tech company looking to upskill, Codesmith has a resource for you to guide you in your software engineering development. We have curated a variety of JavaScript resources for you to explore based on your skill level and learning style preference.


CSX Free JavaScript Learning Resource

CSX  has courses, coding challenges, mentors and a community for all levels of learners. You can also join the CSX Slack workspace for a supportive community of 14,000+ engineers from around the world.
Free JavaScript Workshops

Free JavaScript Workshops

Codesmith workshops break down critical coding concepts for all experience levels to help you learn JavaScript concepts. The workshops take place several times a week and are live-streamed online.
Structured Programs to Learn Programming Fundamentals


Both JavaScript for Beginners and CS Prep teach you core programming concepts through live-online instruction, daily problem-solving workshops, and a passionate coding community.
Closures Course

Closures Course

In this 7 unit video course, you will learn one of the most powerful yet challenging concepts in JavaScript.
Technical Blogs

Technical Blogs

Codesmith's blog is the place where our engineering fellows and team members share technical deep dives, learning resources, tips, insights and programs updates.
Video Lecture Recordings on YouTube

Lecture Recordings

Codesmith’s YouTube channel offers free educational videos and lecture recordings on a variety of programming concepts. The content is updated regularly.
Intro YouTube Graphic - 2022

Introductory Resources

Master the JavaScript fundamentals and get a broader context to how coding works. Work your way through the units on CSX, attend a workshop, and check out our Introductory playlist on YouTube below. Continue your learning in the key principles of programming in JavaScript - code execution, memory, execution context, the call stack and more.

CSX Precourse - Part 1

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

The first part of the precourse is designed to give an introduction to core JavaScript functionality, such as variables, data types, and strings, so you can move on to tackle more advanced challenges.

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CSX Precourse - Part 2

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

Building on the first part of the precourse, Part 2 advances you into arrays, objects, loops (for and while), and control flow - key concepts in JavaScript and programming as a whole.

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Intro to JavaScript - Variables, Control Flow, and Looping

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Learn the foundations of web development under the hood by going in-depth on HTML, CSS, variables (const/let), objects, arrays, for loops, and conditional logic (if/else).

See Upcoming Events

Web Development Fundamentals: HTML & CSS

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Further your knowledge in web development and learn more on text elements (headings, paragraphs, lists), division elements, and styling selectors (elements, class, and id).

See Upcoming Events

CSX Functions & Execution Context

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

In this unit, you will build a strong foundation in the principles of programming in JavaScript - code execution, memory (variable environment), execution context and the call stack.

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Intro To JavaScript - Functions And Objects

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Designed with beginners in mind, this workshop will give you a closer look at objects and arrays, declaring/invoking functions and show you what happens when code runs in a browser.

See Upcoming Events

Intermediate YouTube Playlist - 2022

Intermediate Resources

Once you have the basics down, our resources can take you further and advance your skills in callbacks, higher-order functions, as well as classic closure functions like once, memoize and even password-protected functions. Check out the different CSX units, courses, workshops, and YouTube playlist all designed to help you continue building with code below.


CSX Callbacks & Higher-order Functions

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Functions like map, reduce and filter are powerful tools and keep our code dry but can be complex to navigate. You will learn how to build these functions from scratch so you can easily implement and debug them in your code.

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CSX Closure, Scope & Execution Context

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

In this intermediate CSX unit, you will get an introduction to execution context and variable environment and get an understanding of classic closure functions like once, memoize and even password-protected functions.

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CSX Recursion

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

This unit covers structural and generative recursion and visualizes recursive code execution to help you develop the intuitions necessary to tackle recursion problems effectively.

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JavaScript the Hard Parts - Callbacks & Higher Order Functions

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Learn how to build functions like map, reduce, and filter from scratch, using higher order functions to keep code clean even in complex situations, and how to diagram through higher order functions and callbacks scenarios.

See Upcoming Events

JavaScript the Hard Parts - Closure, Scope & Execution Context

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Dive into probably the most misunderstood feature of JavaScript yet one of the most important - JavaScript closures. This workshop covers classic closure functions like once, memorize and even password-protected functions.

See Upcoming Events

The Complete JavaScript Closures Course

Learn one of the most powerful, yet challenging concept in JavaScript - Closures. By the end of this 7 unit video course, you will get a mature understanding of JavaScript, improve your technical communication and have a set of professional techniques for writing more maintainable code.

Start Learning Closures

For More Structured Learning, Check Out Our Prep Programs

Codesmith offers two prep programs to prepare you for the software engineering immersive.

  • JavaScript for Beginners

    Designed for those new to coding or who have minimal experience. This course gives you a foundation in software engineering and is a great first step for true beginners.
  • CS Prep

    This prep program aims to build your core JavaScript knowledge, improve your technical communication, and develop your engineering toolkit.
Advanced Intermediate YouTube Graphic - 2022

Advanced Intermediate Resources

Integrate what you've learned, polish your software engineering skills and learn how to program more efficiently. Tackle some of the trickier JavaScript concepts on CSX, at a workshop, or at your own pace with our YouTube playlist. Experienced programmers and advanced students can enhance their skills in async, object-oriented programming, recursion and more.


CSX Asynchronous JavaScript

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

Deep dive on asynchronous JavaScript - the backbone of modern web development. Get a clear sense of the call stack, event loop and task queue so you can navigate complex asynchronous problems.

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CSX Object Oriented Programming

Free Online Platform for Self-Paced Learning

In this unit you will dive into the many ways that programmers can create, manipulate, and make blueprints for objects in JavaScript. You will learn using object literals, constructor functions, class syntax, and more.

Start Coding Now

JavaScript the Hard Parts - Exploring Recursion in JavaScript

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

During this workshop you will delve into one of the most powerful but often confusing concepts in programming: functions that call themselves. You will learn how to write recursive functions and how you can return a value out of a recursive call.

See Upcoming Events

JavaScript the Hard Parts - Classes and Prototypes

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

Join this free workshop to explore the most popular object-oriented programming patterns in JavaScript and learn how the 'this' and 'new' keywords are working under-the-hood with the prototype chain.

See Upcoming Events

JavaScript the Hard Parts - Async & Promises

Free Coding Workshop Hosted In-Person and Online

This workshop will cover the call stack, event loop, callback queue, and background threads so that you can navigate complex asynchronous problems, easily.

See Upcoming Events

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Our Alumni Advisors are always available to provide you with personalized support and guide you through your journey to Codesmith programs, learning resources steps and career goals. Schedule a 1:1 call at a time that works for you the best.